effective radius
- 有效半径

The effective radius decreases as cloud drops number increases .
Equivalent effective radius of a control rod
Laser beam analysis ── the beam effective radius approach
The energy dependence of the effective radius for P interaction
Effective Radius and Effective Numerical Aperture of the Self & Focusing Lens Array
Study on Effective Radius for CNG Supply
The Structure of Effective Radius and Energy Levels of Exciton in a Thin Crystal Film
The effective radius of influence of hydraulic punching up to 5.8-6.3 meters .
Analysis on effective radius of gravel piles reinforcement in soft soil foundations based on microstructure
Determination of the optical thickness and effective radius of water clouds by FY-1C data
Retrieval of the optical thickness and effective radius of multilayered cloud using MODIS data
The effects of welding speed , welding current and effective radius electric arc on temperature field are discussed .
The cloud visible optical depth can be determined using cloud liquid ( ice ) water content and effective radius .
10.The theoretical calculation and actual study confirmed that the effective radius is about 10 ~ 15 m.
A comparison of the effective radius model and the skin effect model as well as their pressure solutions and type curves in well test analysis
In the near infrared and middle infrared spectral region , the cloud reflection function depends mainly on the cloud particle effective radius .
The droplets effective radius of high supercooled water area increased with the increasing cloud height in the bottom of Sc and As .
When detector effective radius and incoherent incidence light effective radius were all less than 3 , the system had better optical sectioning strength .
The pressure behaviors of electron-phonon coupling strength of N isoelectronic trap and effective radius of bound exciton are discussed .
Cloud particle effective radius and optical thickness are important micro-physical parameters ; they can be retrieved by using satellite data together with radiation transfer model .
When the impurity is located at the center of a quantum dot , the binding energies decrease for the electric field and effective radius increasing .
For the better application of these technologies , the further research should focus on the mechanism of EHD drying and the effective radius of needle-plate-electrode field .
The satellite is the primary means cloud monitoring . By the way of retrieval , we can get many cloud paraments such as the cloud effective radius .
By the comparison , it is clear that there are some limitations in effective radius model and its pressure solutions , and some problems in indiyidual type curves .
The effective radius of cloud particle is larger and optical thickness of aerosol is large , which were reflected by CH1 and CH3 reflectance .
A new method for calculating the aperture and roughness of fissure , and the effective radius of groundwater by using the response curve of a multistage pumping test is presented .
In order to know the welding effective radius , welding speed and convective heat-transfer coefficient how to affect temperature fields in the butt-welding , the paper utilized bead-on-plane welding .
The effective radius and rational distances between bores of drainage gas in coal seams are two of the fundamental parameters of the rational arrangement bores in the engineering of drainage gas .
Cloud particle effective radius , number concentration and water content were greater in stratocumulus than in stratus , so that stratocumulus is a better artificial precipitation object for this reason .
Through the curve of half high width of normalized axial intensity via detector effective radius and incoherent incidence light effective radius , the optical sectioning property of confocal microscope was gotten .